Procurement contracts is more than just about sourcing equipment. It is about finding the right equipment, at the right price, and then getting it to you in a timely manner. We understand how important it is for your business to have the tools you need on hand to get your projects going, and work hard to make sure your project-specific procurement requirements are fulfilled to so that you receive quality equipment without hurting your bottom line.
We offer bespoke sourcing and procurement contracts services focused in procuring software, equipment, machinery and chemicals for companies in the oil & gas sector. With our global network and relationship with OEM’s and distributors with over 1000 manufacturers & suppliers we have direct links to, we can source and procure any products on behalf of our clients ensuring all requirements have been satisfied.
Procurement in the Oil & Gas Industry has become an essential service in today’s competitive marketplace. Our role is to find and supply all the manufactured goods associated with the exploration and delivery of oil and gas. We have the resources to deliver quality products to you make us your choice in equipment requirements.
We offer comprehensive range from office supplies to PPE, production chemicals, additives for drilling/cementing/workover and treatments for refinery applications. We provide a complete range of drilling fluid products and treating chemicals, including site specific products and programs, for its clients.
We act as your buying house, procuring equipment that range anywhere from $1,000 to $1,000,000 in value, locating and transporting them regardless of whether you need them in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, America, or right here in Canada.
We aim to reduce our client’s procurement contracts cost by and negotiating best prices in all procurement transactions we carry out on behalf of our clients.
Below is a list of some manufacturers and suppliers, but this will surely kick start your search to ensure that your requirements are met and that the correct product is sourced from reputable brands. Some of these manufacturers are located in Canada, UK, Europe, Asia and America.
These are some of the key manufacturers and suppliers we source from:
A | F | M | S |
AB Kihlstrom | Fairey | Mac | S & S |
Abanaki | Fanuc | Macawber | Sabb |
ABB | Farval | Mack Valves | Saft |
ABB Commander | Fenwal | Maclaren | Saftronics |
ABB Instrumentation | Ferraz | Mak | Saginomiya |
Acromag | Ferraz Shawmut Linder | MAN | Sala Group |
Action Air | Festo | Manecraft | Salok |
ADT Fire & Security | Fg-line | Marston | Sangamo |
Advanced Air | Fibox | Martonair | Santon |
Aeg | Filtrine | Marvac | Sapag |
Aerzen | Fimet | Masoneilan | Saunders |
Afriso-euro-index Gmbh | Finder | Masterpact | Scandura |
Agastat | Finning Mak | Mather & Platt | Scapa |
Agilent | Fireater | Maxiflow | Schaller Automation |
Airflex | Fireye | Maxseal | Schenk |
Airpax | Fischer & Porter | McDonnell & Miller | Schermuly |
Ajax | Transmitters | McLaren | Scherzinger Pumps |
Albion | Fisher | McMaster | Schleicher |
Alcon | Fisher Controls | McMurdo | Schlumberger Gas |
Allen Bradley | FKI | Mead Fluid Dynamics | Schmersal |
Alldos | Flexibox | Mecman | Schrack |
Allenwest | Flotect | Megger | Schrader |
Alltech | Flow-mon Ltd | MEM | Schultz Pumps |
Allweiler | Flowseal | Menvier Amberlec | Scorpion |
Almemo | Fluke | Merlin Gerin | Scotch |
Alpha Fry | Flygt | Metaflex | Scott Bacharach |
Alstom | Foxboro | Metafram | SDT |
Amal | Framo | Metal Work | Seager Bearings |
Amberlite | Franke | Metrosonics | Sensonics |
Amelec | Fraser Hydraulics | Midland | Serck Audco |
Amerace | Friatec-Rhein | Midtex | Servotechnikk |
Ametek Drexelbrook | Fry Technology | Midwest | Shimadzu |
Amri | Fryolux | Mirrlees | Shipham |
Anders Electronics | Furmanea | Mobil | Siba |
Anderson Greenwood | Furmanite | Modex | Sick |
Crosby | G | Modex Automation | Siebe Gorman |
Andre | Gachot | Modicon | Siemens |
Andrew & Fraser | Gaco | Mono Pump | Siemens Lighting |
API Teledyne | Gai-tronics | Moore Products | Siemens Motors |
Apollo | Gallagher | Moorflex | Sigel |
APV | Garlock | Moorlite Lighting | Sigmund Pulsometer |
APW | Gates | Morgan Berkeley | Signature Industries |
Argo Scientific | GE Fanuc | Motovarion | Sihi |
Ari | GE Motor Spares | MTE | Silentbloc |
Armitage Shanks | GEC Fusegear | MTI | Simplatroll |
Arrow Hart | GEC Installation | MTL | Simplex |
Asahi | Equipment | Muller & Weigert | Simplex Lighting |
Asco | GEC Transmitter Card | Multi-amp | Siria |
Ash | Geho | Murex | Sirius |
Ashcroft | Gems | Myhrwold & Rasmussen | Skanti |
Ashford | Gemu | N | SKF |
Astec | George E Low | Nabic | Slinseal |
Atlas Copco | George Fischer | Nadi | SMC |
Autoflame | Gestra | Naelelen Sa | SMG Corp |
Automation Facilities | Geveke | NAF | Snaplock |
Autronica | Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon | Napier | Solkor |
Avery Hardoll | Giles | Narvik | Southern Power tools Spectrol |
AVK | Girdlestone | Negretti Automation | Sperre |
Avo | Glenfield & Kennedy | NEI | Spie |
Axel Larsson Industries | Glyptal | NEI Control Systems | Spirax Sarco |
Axflow | Gore-tex | Nelson | Sprague Products |
B | Grasshopper | Nelson Industries | Sprecher |
Bac Valves | Graviner | Neuenhauser | SPT |
Baco | Gresswell | Kompressorenbau | Stag |
Badotherm | Grinnell | Newlec | Stanhope Seta |
Bailey Automation | Guardmaster | Newman Hender | Stein |
Bailey Birkett | Guest & Chrimes | Nife | Stein Industrie |
Baldor UK | Gunnebo | Nitto | Stockham Valves |
Bals Electrical Engineering | H | Nocchi Pompe | Stork |
Balston | Haehne | Norbro | Stork Pumps |
Bamag | Hamon UK | Norgren | Streamline |
Batley | Hamworthy | Norgren (Martonair) | Stuff Valves |
Bayham | Hancock | Novotechnik | Sturtevant |
Beha-Hedo | Hankinson International | NSK | Sud Electric |
Belimo | Hankison | Numatics | Sulzer Rotec |
Bell & Howell | Harvey Hubbell | Nyborg/Electrolux | Sulzer Valves |
Bellis & Morcom | Hastie Steering Gear | O | Sunrod |
Benford | Hattersley | Oasys | Suntec |
Berg Propulsion | Hattersley Newman | Obel | Sure Air Tools |
Besta | Hender | OEG | Swagelock |
Bestobell | Hawke | Oliver Pell | Swiss Valve |
Beta Valves | Hawle | Omega | Symons |
Bett Bon | Headline | Opto 22 | Syr |
BICC Components | Heatpac | Origa | Syrex |
Biconester | Helicoil | Oshino | T |
Biddle | Hengstler | Osram | Tanabe |
Bifold | Hemley | Oy Lining | Taprogge |
Bill Switchgear | Heraeus Electro Nite | P | TEC |
Birch | Herion | Pae | Tectrite |
Chadburn | Herma | Pains-Wessex | Telaire |
Chesterton | Hick Hargreaves | Pall | Telemec |
Chloropac | Highland Electronics | Panametric | Télémécanique |
C | Hitachi | Pangit | Thermo Orion |
Chris Marine | Honeywell | Park Air Systems | Thioguard |
Churchill | Hopkinson | Parker (Schrader) | Thom Lamont |
Ciat | Hotfoil | Parker (Hydrolix & | Thomas & Betts |
Circuitworks | Hottinger | Hannifin) | Thorlux |
Circutor | Hottinger BM | Parvalux | Thorn |
Clayton Of Belgium | How Fire | Patentband | Tinsley |
Clifford & Snell | Howard Butler | Paxman | Tracer |
Clippard | Howden | Peerless Winsmith | Tracwest |
Clorius | Howell Stanway | Pegler & Louden | Trafag UK |
Coalescer | Huwood | Penny & Giles | Tranilamp |
Cochran Boiler | Hydac-Flupac | Permaseal | Trendview |
Cole Parmer | Hyrdaforce Hydraulics | Persta | Trico |
Comat | Hydrastep | Persta-Stahl | Trimor |
Compair | Hydreco | Piab | Trolex |
Conbraco | Hydrolab | Peilstick | Truflex |
Cool Technology | Hyster | Plenty Filters | Tufnol |
Cooper Bussman | Hytork | Plenty Velan | U |
Cooperheat | I | Plycast Hymor | UCC |
Copes-Vulcan | Ifs (International Fiber | PMV Controls | UK Solenoid |
Coretch | Systems) | Pneumax | United Brass Works |
Coughtrie | IMI Bailey Birkett | Polymetron | Uniten |
Cpoac | IMI Norgren | Pont à Mousson | Unitor |
Craig & Derricott | Inflo Controls | Porter-Lancastrian | Univer |
Crane | International Rectifier | Potter | Universal |
Crane Valve & Pumps | Internoman | Potter & Bromfield | V |
Crompton Instruments | Introl | Potter Electric Signal | Vacueasylift |
Crosby | Iris | Power Bor | Valvestock |
Crouzet | Iron Pump | Precision Instruments | Varley |
Cutler Hammer | Isco | Prescor | Vero |
D | Isoria | Process Control | Vicarb |
Danfoss Converter | Ives Needle Valves | Prominent Fluid Controls | Vickers |
Danica | J | Protech | Viledon |
Daniel Europe | J E Stork | Pyrotenax | Vogel Pumps |
Dartcom | James Howden | R | Vokes – Air Filters |
David Brown Hydraulics | JCB | Radun Controls | Vortex |
Davy | Jeavons | Raychem | Vossloh Schwabe |
Dawson | JMC | Rayfast | Vulcanic |
Dawson Macdonald | Jofra | Rayleigh | W |
Dawson | John Crane | Redler | Wabco Pneumatic |
Deif | John Hastie | Regeltechnik | Wabco Westinghouse |
Delachaux | Johnson Pumps | Kornwestheim | Wago |
Delasco Pcm | Jordan | Reiss | Waircorn |
Delle Alstom | Joucomatic | Reliance | Walsall Conduits |
Densyl | Jumo | Renou Dardel | Warman |
Depa | K | Rexroth | Warren Rupp |
Dewrance | Karl Dungs | Reyrolle | Watford |
Dezurik | KDG Instruments | RGS | Weco |
Diamond Power | Keene | RGS Solenoid Valves | Wednesbury |
Diaphragm Pump | Kent Introl | RHP | WEG |
Dolphin Pump | Keystart | Ringo Valve | Westinghouse |
Domnick Hunter | Keystone | Ritz Pumps | Westlock |
Donkin | Keyswitch | Robbins Myers | Weston |
Drager | Kiepe | Rockwell Automation | Westronic |
Drexelbrook | Kihlstrom | Roebuck | Wevdk |
Drycol | Kimberley Clark | Rolls Royce Industrial | Whipp & Bourne |
Dunham-Bush | Klinger International | Controls | Whitecroft |
Duolite | Klippon Kobelt Pneumatic | Rose | Whitey |
Durapipe | Korucarb | Rosemount | Wika |
Durax | Kracht | Ross | Wilkerson |
E | Krohne | Rotorcomp | Williams & James |
EAO (Highland) | KSB | Rotork actuators | Wirelock |
Easidew | KTM Ball Valves | Rototherm | Wood Air Movement |
EBM | Kuhnke | Rotunda | Wood Group Industrial |
Efector | L | Royce Thompson | Woods |
Elaflex | Landis & Gyr | RS Components | Woods (Tb) |
Electro Controls | Lang Pneumatic | Ryax | Woods Fans |
Electrolux | Larner Johnson | Ryvin | Woods Fire Systems |
Electrolux/Nyborg | Leistritz | Woods Sure Flex | |
Elfab | Liebert Hiross | Woodward | |
Elmar Wessel | Lincoln Welding | Worcester | |
Elme | LKM | Worthington Simpson | |
Elomatic | Loctite | Wylex | |
Eltron | Lohe | Wynn Marine | |
Emform | Lowara | Y | |
Endevco | Lucas Bryce | Yanmar | |
Enerdis | Lucifer | Z | |
Enerpac | Lumo | Zellweger Analytics | |
Ensival | LVF | Ziton | |
Entrelec | Zodion | ||
Era Sib | Zoedale | ||
Erhardt Leimer | |||
Etal | |||
Etanorm | |||
Eti | |||
Etri | |||
Eurocooler | |||
Europa | |||
Evox Rifa |
Please contact us if you have any questions via email or phone.